Thursday, February 12, 2015

Legal and Security Issues Regarding In-Home Services

Many of us don’t give a second thought to hiring housekeeping, house-sitting, or dog-walking services and often turn over our keys to these “strangers” so they can have easy access to our homes. Have you ever stopped to consider the risks? You could be liable if one of these workers is injured in your home while completing job duties. Alternatively, your pet could become injured due to neglectful behaviour by its sitter. You may even be in a position where you suspect that something valuable is missing from your home, but have no recourse for recovering it or receiving compensation. To avoid such possibilities, experts recommend that homeowners hire such services from a professional, registered business, that can verify the extent of its liability coverage, either through the company’s insurance policy or in accordance with an agreed-upon contract that relieves you of certain liabilities. At the very least, ask that your hire is bonded to protect you, and check with your home insurance policy to ensure that you are protected as well.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Your home at a glance

Have you ever driven up to a restaurant and your first impression was disappointing? Perhaps the windows looked dark and gloomy, the façade was worn and unattractive or for some other reason it just didn't look like a tempting place to eat. It could still be a fantastic restaurant – a real gem. But, your first impression has soured your anticipation. If you still walk through the front door, it will likely be with the expectation of being disappointed. This scenario often plays out in the real estate market as well. A buyer drives up to a home for sale and quickly forms an impression based on what he sees "from the curb". That's why you'll hear real estate experts talk about the importance of "curb appeal". It's one of the most important selling points of a property. If you plan to put your home on the market, you obviously want your home to look as attractive as possible from the street. Fortunately, there are many simple things you can do to improve curb appeal. For example, you can trim shrubs and hedges, plant flowers, clean the walkway and driveway, paint the front door and garage door, and clean the exteriors of the windows. All these projects are relatively easy and inexpensive. Yet, each can make a dramatic improvement to how your home looks at first glance. Don't be like the great restaurant that’s hidden behind an unkept façade. Make sure your curb appeal reflects the overall value of your property. Looking for more advice on selling your home quickly and for the best price? Call today.